Split Body Section

Use body sections to share website copy and images. Remember it’s best practice to have at least 300 words of relevant text on each page. So use body sections on the home page to tell website visitors about your club. With the split body sections, you can align images either left or right

Break up your copy with a mix of short concise sentences and longer descriptive ones. Try and get to the point quickly with the small and concise sentences then explain in more detail with the longer ones. Your copy should always flow in a logical sequence. Use paragraphs to break up large quantities of copy and improve readability. Always make sure the copy is relevant to the title of the page.


Copywriting Tip

Try and predict why someone might be visiting your website and what information they’re looking for. Visitors may be looking for information about your course and facilities. Maybe they want to book golf or find out membership options. They may even want to know if the menu of your club restaurant caters for special dietary requirements. You will get much better results from your website if you can figure this out. Mainly because people need information to make a purchase decision. It’s just another barrier to purchase if a visitor cannot find product information. So make it easy for them!


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